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Letters from our readers 1986 No 4

Dear Learn and Teach I often read your magazine. I see that you help people with their problems. In 1974 1 bought life insurance from Home Trust Life Insurance. It was for five years. In 1980 an agent from this insurance company took my book. He said he needed my book so that the head office could pay me. But I have never received either the book or the money. What can I do? Daniel Malaza WITBANK

Dear Daniel Thank you for your letter. We need more information before we can help you. We need to know our insurance policy number. Also do you know the name of the agent who took your book? And do you know where he was working? Lastly, why did you wait so long before you wrote to us for help? But it is better late than never. Please write soon and tell us all we need to know. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I want you to know about my country, Lebowa. We pay lots of taxes here in Lebowa. And when we go to work, all we hear is “209”. All this “209” means is that we must go back to Sekhukhuneland. If you are in Johannesburg, looking for work, they will tell you to go back to Sekhukhuneland. And the people are very rude. People, we must fight for our country. If we get up and fight, we will soon win. People are fighting right here in Lebowa. And I am crying for help from you, Learn and Teach. AmosThobejane SEKHUKHUNE

Dear Amos Thank you very much for your letter. We are sorry to hear about the problems of people from Sekhukhuneland. But if everyone stands together, maybe you will bring your problems to an end. We are also not sure how we can help you but we asked our lawyers about this 209. They said that law 209 says where people can live and work. That is why it gives you trouble. It means that you can only live and work in Sekhukhuneland. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I want to write about SRC’s for the students of Duduza. SRC’s must not check on the gates at school and they must not check on uniforms. These things oppress students. At M.O.M. Seboni the students are united. Now their teachers are not rude to them. The principal also works with them. They no longer have to wear school uniforms. And SRC meetings are allowed to be held during school hours. I am asking the Duduza students to be united like they were last year. We must fight for free education for everyone. And we must not forget our fellow students who died last year, Lucky Mogotsi, Zanele Thobele, Sonto Thobela, Osborn Alexandra and all the others. They were fighting for SRC’s. We must make sure that their fight was not for nothing. Simon Moeng DUDUZA

Dear Simon Thank you for your letter. We agree with you that there must be S.R.C.’s at all schools. We hope that the students of Duduza and other students will read your letter. Good luck for your future. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I started to read your magazine a few months ago. I see that you help people. I am worried about the new South African Identity book. I am a Tswana guy and I have a Bophuthatswana Travel Document. I want to get my South African citizenship back again. But I worry that Mangope will not let us get our South African citizenship again. Ramoagi Lefifi KLIPSPRUIT

Dear Ramoagi Thank you for your letter. Many people are worried about the new identity books because no-one really knows what is happening. We spoke to the Black Sash. The Black Sash say that at the moment the laws have not changed — it does not matter what the newspapers say. The laws are still the same. They also say that they do not know what is going to happen to people who have “homeland” travel documents. The main South African government is still talking to the homeland governments about citizenship. They say that maybe people will be able to be citizens of a “Homeland” and South Africa. As soon as the laws change we will write about it in the magazine so keep on reading. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I hope you can help me with my problem. My problem is my father. He works on a farm. He works 12 hours every day. And he gets R45 per month, plus a half a bag of mealie meal. The mealie meal does not last for the month — there are five of us at home. The money does not last. My father has to pay our school fees with it. When my father comes home from work, he always says that he is tired. And he says that the “Umlungu” always says he is going to chase him away. Joseph Choma STEELPOORT

Dear Joseph Thank you very much for your letter. We know that farm workers work very hard and get very little money. But there are no laws to help farm workers like there are for other workers. People hope that the laws will change. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I am writing to you because we want T-shirts for our Youth Congress — the Makeba Youth Congress. We want to have the slogan “The people shall share” on the back. Simon Ramaphoko GA-KGAPANE

Dear Simon Thank you very much for your letter. Unfortunately we cannot help you with T-shirts. We are also waiting te get T-shirts made for Learn and Teach. The people who can help you are: Silkscreen Training Project, P.O. Box 6782, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 2143. Phone: 011 4026782 or T-Shirt Co-op, P.O. Box 10109, Dalbridge, Natal, 4014. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach Please help me. I work at Abbeydale Construction, Roosevelt Park. I started in January 1984. Every two weeks they take R34.44 from my pay. When I asked the clerk about this money, he said I will get the money in December, when we close. Last year when we closed I asked the boss for the money. He said that he wanted to see my identity book first. But I do not have an identity book. I only have papers that a lawyer, Mrs van der Berg, made for me. I have now asked for an identity book. William Cocks ROOSEVELT PARK

Dear William We do not understand why your boss is taking the R34,44 from your pay. The law says that bosses may not take money from workers’ pay. Do you have a payslip that shows this money? Or do you have a receipt for the money you are paying? If you do, you must come and see us so that we can ask our lawyers to help you. Or you can phone us at 836 9139. Maybe the union for building workers can also help you. They are: Building, Construction and Allied Workers Union (BCAWU), 6th floor, Lekton House, 5 Wanderers Street, Johannesburg, 2000. But they will also need more information before they can help you. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I am 18 years old.I am in Standard 9 this year. After my Standard 10 I want to be an actor. But now I want to act on Saturdays. Please tell me what I can do. Swazi Tshabalala KWA-XUMA

Dear Swazi Thank you for writing to us. Many young people want to be actors. It is very hard work. But if you want to start acting on Saturdays, write to Fuba, P.O. Box 4200, Johannesburg, 2000. Or you can go there. 66 Wolhuter Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, 2001. Good luck. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach I am a waiter at Sun City. I want to join a hotel workers union. Please tell me which union I can join. Johannes Khumalo TLHABANE

Dear Johannes Thank you for your letter. We will give you the addresses of two unions. But you must remember that the Bophuthatswana government says that workers in Bophuthatswana cannot join unions in South Africa. But unions like Ccawusa say that they are happy to have all workers in their union. Good luck. Here are the addresses. Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union, 1st floor Darragh House, Wanderers Street, Johannesburg, 2001 or Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union, 2nd floor, Khotso House, 42 de Villiers Street, Johannesburg, 2001. -editor.

Dear Learn and Teach One of my friend’s, Bongani, gave me your magazine to read. I like your magazine very much. I like your stories and I like your English too. Your English is very simple, like A.B.C. That is what I want. Please tell me how I can learn English. Sanku Kaile MBEKWENI

Dear Sanku Thank you very much for your letter. We are happy that you like the magazine. If you want to learn English, you must speak to the Adult Learning Project. They teach people to read and write English in the Western Cape. Their address is: 4 Astley Street, Mowbray, 7700. Telephone: 021 65 3330-editor.


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