Dear Learn and Teach I would like to get more information about Learn and Teach. My brothers and sisters are worrying me. They saw me reading Learn and Teach number 4 with the story about Rivonia. I read this maqazine until the tears ran down my face. That’s why I want more information. I would like to teach others as I learn. How can I get many magazines from you for my brothers and sisters? Victor Nousa UMLAZI
Dear Learn and Teach I am a young man of twenty two. I started reading Learn and Teach from the first issue. I find it very helpful. But most people cannot get the magazine in our area. So I want to help get the magazine to our people especially those in the factories. Please send me more information. Prince Matome BRITS
Thanks for the letters guys. Here is the information you want. We will send you 50 magazines to start with. Then please sell them for 30c each. When you finish selling them, then please send half the money. You can keep the other half for yourself. Maybe next time you will want to sell more than 50 magazines. Then just write to us and tell us how many you need. Good luck. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I am now a Learn and Teach reader. I did not know about this lovely magazine. But then one day I was walking along a footpath. The grass was burning. And the magazine was lying down there burning. I picked it up. I read about Putco bus drivers and the machine they call Madumelana. Learn and Teach really shows us things that are hidden away. Please send me the magazine every month. Aaron Masango KABOKWENI TOWNSHIP, NELSPRUIT
We are glad you like our “hot” little magazine. Please send us a postal order for R4.00. Then we will send you the next eight magazines for a year. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I always read your magazine. I read about the National Union of Mineworkers. But I don’t know where the NUM offices are. I want to join this union. Can you please tell me how to do this. T.M. MOTSEMOTSE EVANDER
Please write to the NUM office in Johannesburg. Give them your address. They will send an organizer to see you. Or they will send you forms to join the union. Their address is: National Union of Mineworkers P.O. Box 10928 JOHANNESBURG, 2000. Good Luck. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I read your story about bus drivers. Now let me tell you one thing. Some bus drivers are good but some are bad. There is one bus driver from my area in the Vaal. Man you won’t believe the way he behaves. People even gave him the name “Matha Fatshe Sefebe”. This is what he calls women who get in the bus with 60c when they must pay 55c. Sad SEBOKENG
Dear Learn and Teach Please help me. I am a student at a technical college. My home is at Kwa Ndengezi near Pinetown. My younger brother lives at home. When he was twelve he had a car accident. H is right arm was badly injured and he is paralysed. My parents want him to go to school. But he cannot write like the other kids. He can only write very slowly. Can you tell us of a school he can go to. He always cries when he sees the other kids going to school. Patrick Sishi KWA NDENGEZI
Thanks for your letter Patrick. Sorry to hear about your brother. There is a place that might help. The address is Dr. Lips, c/o St Annes Hospital P.O. Box 44, Isipingo Rail, 4110, Telephone: (031) 97·1250. They have a boarding school at the hospital. It is full this year. But please write to them. They might have a place for him next year. Good luck and say “Heyta” to your brother from us. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach Something in my heart tells me I am in love. The woman is a good friend of mine and she is very beautiful. But I have a problem. I don’t know how to tell her about my love for her. What do you think I should do? Leho N. NAMIBIA
Thanks for your letter. It’s quite hard to answer your letter because I never have that problem – beautiful women always tell me how much they love me. But I asked some people for their ideas. Some say you must take your friend for a slow walk under a full moon. Others say you must stand outside her place – and make noises like cats do. Some say you must walk up to her, breathe in deeply, and in your sweetest and most loving voice say. “I love you”. And then others say. “Just be yourself and what will be, will be”. Let us know what happens. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I got a shock when I heard that our lovely, little magazine was banned last month (No. 4, 1984). Can you please tell us readers what we must do with the magazine. Must we throw it away, burn it, or take it back to the shop? A regular reader CAPE TOWN
Thank you for your letter. The magazine was banned for “distribution” and not for “possession”. So in other words, people can keep the magazine – but they can’t sell it or give it away. We are making an appeal against the banning – and hopefully we will win. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I like your magazine. It helps me a lot. I was bad in English. Now I am clever. Now my point is this. I want you to put my picture in your magazine. What can I do to get on the front cover? D.M. WATTVI LLE, BENONI
Thanks for your letter. We are happy to hear the magazine is helping you with your English. We are sorry but we can’t put your picture on the cover. This does not mean that you don’t have a great face. We must use pictures on the cover that say some thing about the stories in the magazine. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I read your magazine about bus drivers in Learn -and Teach number 3. I agree with Mr Ndwandwe. I see no reason to blame bus drivers for bad things on the buses. Bus drivers are workers. They do not own the buses. These bus drivers also have children and wives. They must also pay rent. They are trying to avoid starvation. I think people must not have bad manners when they board the bus. Then maybe all bus drivers will be good like Mr Ndandwe. B.S. Buthelezi KATLEHLONG
Dear Learn and Teach Please put this letter in your magazine. I have a problem – I can’t talk English very well. Now I ask people with the same problem to come forward. Then we can start a study group. I want to hear from people who can read and write English quite well – but who feel shy when they must talk English to others. In the group we can talk English- to each other. And maybe Learn and Teach can send somebody to help us. If people want to meet me, they can find me at 304A Lebogang Street, Zone 1, Diepkloof. They must ask for Happy Letsholo. Happy Letsholo SOWETO
Nice idea, Happy. If you do start a group give us a call or write us a letter. I’m sure we can help you. All the best. -editor
Dear Learn and Teach I am an 18 year old boy. I have a problem I want to become a disco – dancer. I broke the record in all the zones of my township by dancing like John Travolta last year. I practice dancing at home next to my tape recorder. But people say, “Why don’t you go to Johannesburg?” So I said, “Well I’ll write to Learn and Teach. They will tell me what to do.” Phuthuma Nthongana MDANTSANE
You are in luck. We didn’t know how to help you. Then right now our friend Soso from Soweto walked in. She says she knows of a new dance school in Soweto. She said she will give us the forms. Then we’ll send them to you. In the meantime, keep on dancing and reading Learn and Teach. -editor