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Letters from our readers 1983 No 9

Dear Learn and Teach I did not like “The Proud Story of Babsy Mlangeni”. I thought it was a very boring story. When I read it, I nearly fell asleep. Why did you write such a terrible story? Thandi Mfamana KWA-THEMA

Dear Learn and Teach I need some help. I have problems with my skin. I have used a skin lightening cream – and now I have deep black marks on my face. I’m very worried. What can I do?Constance Mathe. DAVEYTON

We are sorry to hear about your problem Constance. We spoke to a skin doctor about the black marks on your face. The doctors said they don’t really know how to help you – but they are trying to find away. But there are some things you can do. The doctor said you must stop using these creams. And you must not spend too much time in the sun. The sun will make the black marks worse. Go to a chemist and get some cream that blocks out the sun. -editor

Dear Learn and Teach I reaIIy enjoy reading the magazine. The magazine has really improved my English. I always look forward to the next magazine. But can I ask you a favour. Can you please write stories about other countries? Gladys Sibeko ST MARTIN’S CENTRE OF CONCERN

Thanks for your idea. Buy the magazine every month and you won’t be sorry. -editor

Dear Learn and Teach I think your English Lesson on building societies was very good. I learnt a lot from the lesson. I always wanted to know about how a building society works. Now I know – and I will always keep the magazine so I can remember. But I have one problem. I am very poor in Arithmetic. I don’t understand how percentages work. When you wrote about 4% interest I did not understand. No Name No Address

Thanks for your letter. We are glad you liked the lessons. We will try to write a lesson on percentages soon. But readers, please don’t forget to send your names and addresses. So we can answer your letters. -editor

Dear Learn and Teach I worked for the railways for over eight years I was an “Oor laai kruier”. I then left the railways to find a better job. I now work as a till operator. I have asked the railways many times for my pension money back. But they never write back and tell me what is happening. I will be very happy if you can tell me what to do. George Ngololo ORANGEMUND

Thanks for your letter George. We spoke to a lawyer about your problem. The lawyer says you can get your monthly payments for your pension back. The law says this is your right if you started working after 1974. You must go to the Staff Office in Oranjemund and ask for your pension money. If they do not help you, you can write to this address: Chief Accountant, South African Railways and Harbours, P.O. Box 47, Johannesburg, 2000 -editor

Dear Learn and Teach On 1 September 1980. I gave birth to a baby girl at Kalafong Hospital. The baby was premature. They put her in a incubator for 14 weeks. In the 6th week, she had a runny tummy. They gave her medicine through a needle in her hand. The next day the baby’s hand had a bad sore. When the sore got better the fingers were stuck together. She had two operations but they did not help. Then I had to sign a form and they cut her ring finger off. Can I claim for damages. Is it too late to claim now? J. Lefifi MAMELODI EAST

We are very sorry to hear about your story. Any patient or parent of a patient in hospital has the right to ask what the hospital is doing. Patients or parents can also complain if they are unhappy. You can still complain about what happened to your baby’s hand. You can also claim damages from the hospital. You can complain to the Superintendent of the hospital. Or go to a lawyer for help. If you don’t have money for a lawyer, you can go to the Legal Aid Board. The Legal Aid Board nearest to you is. 217 Pretorius Street, 6th floor, Van Erkon Building. -editor

Dear Learn and Teach Please do me a favour. I want you to write a story about Kaiser Chiefs. I really enjoy reading Learn and Teach. I think Learn and Teach is the best magazine in South Africa. It helps the blacks of South Africa to read. I think Learn and Teach must start magazines in black languages because many black people can’t speak English. Isaac Lenami Ie Mophatiane GA-RANKUWA

Dear Learn and Teach I am a reader of Learn and Teach. I am very proud of your magazine I read the story of Babsy Mlanqeni. The story is very strong. [ learned how blind people live in the world. Jonas Kqo!e MAHWELERENG

Dear Learn and Teach I thank you all very much for writing this interesting magazine. I have already learned a lot from it and I don’t want to miss a word from it. I am still looking forward to gain more and more from Learn and Teach. Keep it up M. G. Mbuqe

Dear Learn and Teach I am a domestic worker in Johannesburg. I really enjoy the magazine. But I have one complaint. When the magazine first started, you had many stories for domestic workers. Now you haven’t had stories about domestic workers for a long time. What’s happening? Susan Maseko JOHANNESBURG

Thanks for your letter Susan. You are quite right. We haven’t done a story about domestic workers for a long time. We will write a story about domestic workers very soon. So don’t give up – and keep buying the magazine. -editor


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