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Over the last six months we have seen political changes that were unthinkable a year ago. In October last year Comrade Walter Sisulu and...


“Flower man” Baloyi

William Baloyi makes his living by selling flowers. Learn and Teach spoke to him at his stall in Norwood, Johannesburg… In 1941, a tall...


Grenada – struggles of a distant land

The state of Grenada is made up of three small islands, Carriacou, Petit Martinique and the Grenadine island... The state of Grenada is...


Letters from our readers 1990 No 7

Dear Learn and Teach, I was deeply moved by the story of Ishmael Ramotchibe that appeared in Learn and Teach no3.1990, "Black like...


Tomorrow is built today

A review of a book by Andrew Nyathi with John Hoffman, published by Anvil Press, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1990. ANDREW NYATHI has written a book...


Another kind of love

About one in every ten people in South Africa is gay. In other words, three and a half million South Africans prefer to make love with...


Welcome home Oliver Tambo!

In March 1960, the African National Congress (ANC) realised that it was going to be banned. It decided immediately to send its...


The forest of the Rain Queen

Learn and Teach visits the Modjadji Cycad Forest in the Northern Transvaal Not so many years ago, South Africa was a very different...


Privatisation the debate

Over the past few months there has been a fierce debate about what kind of economic policy South Africa should follow. At the heart of...


A brutal harvest – violence against farmworkers

Learn and Teach reviews a shocking report about the way farmers treat their workers…. For thirty years, Mr Jacob Maseko and his family...


Sparks sparkles on

It’s nearly midnight on a Thursday evening in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. Under the light of the moon and the street lamps, a small crowd is...


Sloppy becomes a boxer


Organising the unorganised

An advice centre in Pretoria is doing its best to help workers with their labour problems... I have always wondered what was happening...

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