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The big clampdown

The 24th February 1988 will always be remembered as the day the government turned its back on peace. On that day the government...


Bra Kortboy van Kofifi

“Death row is not a nice place. It is cold and brings fear to the human heart. The four and a half months I sat in Pretoria’s death cells...


The fruits of apartheid

I will never wear my khaki suit to Pietermaritzburg again. I learned this lesson on my first day there. We asked a young man in Mbali...


Sloppy at the airport


A dark day for the nation

When you get a message that you don’t like, you can do one of two things. You can open your heart and listen — or you can kill the...


Bend the bars

From June 1986 to June 1987, during the first year of the state of emergency, there were at least 3050 women in detention. Over one third...


Letters from readers 1988 No 2

Dear Learn and Teach, I love your magazine so much. I hope you will help me with my problem. I am the mother of two children. The trouble...


I refuse to serve in the SADF

On Thursday, the 3rd March this year, a doctor from Cape Town was sentenced to 630 days in jail. His crime was refusing to serve in the...


A tribute to Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe

T en years have passed since the death of Robert Sobukwe, the first president of the Pan African Congress (PAC). Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe...


From Lesotho with love

The dirt roads in the mountains of Lesotho are always busy on a Sunday afternoon. Outside every village small groups of men wait for the...

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