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For the love of tennis

When Jane ‘Skapie’ Muso was 23 years old, she fell in love – twice. First, she fell in love with tennis. And then she fell in love with...


Dangers at work, the new law

Accidents and sickness at work are a big problem for workers. Every year 300 thousand workers get hurt at work. And many thousands of...


Every home a class room, every table a school desk

THE STRUGGLE TO READ AND WRITE IN NICARAGUA Before 1980 not many people knew of a country called Nicaragua. But then the people of this...


Ciskei, the backyard of apartheid

The Transkei was first, then came Bophuthatswana, and then Venda. And on December 4 1981, Apartheid got a new backyard. They called it...


Letters from our readers 1983 No 8

Dear Learn and Teach I have many problems. I can’t talk properly. I have a speech impediment. This problem worries me a lot. I haven’t...


Bury me with my saxophone

The Life of Chris ‘Mra’ Columbus Over 40 years ago Christopher ‘Mra’ Columbus began to play jazz. Dollar Brand was still a young boy when...


”The world must know what is happening in the Ciskei”

NOMBEKO’S STORY: “Sebe’s men came to our house in the middle of the night. They were looking for my sister. They said she was a spy for...


The man history will never forget

The 12th September will always be a grey and sad day. On that day six years ago, a great son of our country died. He died of brain damage...


Sloppy the family man

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